Poverty is defined as a general state of scarcity or lack of money but I believe that it is more than that. For me, poverty is a mental state rather than a state of being. Poverty is a mental and subconscious decision into a life of scarcity.
So why do people stay in poverty?
A simple life = poverty. This is the common thinking of most poor people, they equate poverty with having a simple life. You would typically hear sayings like “kahit na mahirap tayo, basta masaya at simple”. This type of saying programs Filipino’s psyche to stay poor and not to urge for financial security. For me, a simple life is living a life that is not extravagant, grandiose and materialistic even if you are financially wealthy. You will be surprise like how the richest Philippine Tycoon like Henry Sy or Lucio Tan have the simplest of lives. This is one of the financial secret of most successful people. A simple life is a beautiful life but it doesn’t mean we have to live in scarcity because you will end up a burden for others.
Environmental poverty mindset. It’s difficult to escape poverty if you live in a ghetto or in a slum due to environmental poverty mindset. Those that do escape these areas have remarkably blessed with resilient mental attitude and character. Areas like this have a very negative aura or energy hence it is hard to find light in a dark tunnel. I should know because I grew up in one. My neighborhood was one of the most harsh and dangerous area. I could reminisce during my surgical internship at a hospital nearby government hospital. They would always bring a lot of victims and criminals for surgical intervention. Most of the criminals are my neighbor.
Poverty herd mentality. It would be hard to be successful if you are surrounded by negative people with “can’t do” attitudes. Most of this people will fill your head with negativity that can impede your success. Stay away from this people.
Poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer mentality. Poor people do not get privilege of financial education, financial resource, opportunities and success mentality rich people have. I believe it all boils down to financial education/financial IQ and character. If everyone have been exposed the right financial education, character, drive and motivation; they would be mentally and financially ready for success.
Fear of Change. People tend to be contented in a stasis of poverty because they are scared of change. Even if they learned financial skill, they fear to act and implement it because of the change in lifestyle involved in the process. Financial success is 20% skill and 80% discipline.
Fear of success. People fear success will change them. They fear success will make them into monsters. We should not let money define our self-worth, rather let financial success be a by-product of our inert value. The more good we contribute in this world = the higher our inert value is.
Money is evil. Never in any holy book will you see that money is evil. I truly believe money is the great multiplier. Money will multiply the goodness or the evilness of one’s intention. The intention of the user is more important than the instrument called money. If money is used for good, it can build schools, hospitals, churches, scholarship, foundations and etc.
I have no Skill to make money. Excuses are for losers. If you want to learn and make money, then stop making excuses to stay poor. There are a lot of books on financial literacy, seminars, and livelihood workshop for FREE to get you started. Go ahead and learn something.
I’m Smarter than everyone else. If you are smarter than everyone else, then you have closed your doors to learn. If you are not ready to learn then you will forever be poor.
To truly escape poverty, we should reflect on these principles and evaluate our situation. I believe that with a little effort to change our poverty mindset to a successful mindset. We should be mentally and spiritually ready to accept God’s blessing and bounty.