The Santa Claus Rally is a phenomenon that is observe in the Stock Market that can be described as a positive surge of stock prices that happens during the last week of December. It may extend to the 2nd week of January. The positive inflow is attributed to a lot of factors. Some of including a generally happy feeling which is scattered across market, retail investors investing their Christmas bonus, Naysayers of the PSE are probably on a vacation mode, and etc. Historically for the last 30 years since 1985 the Market surged in the PSE around 80% of the time. Last year you can also observe the Phenomenon in the PSEI as illustrated by the chart below.

I suggest to our subscribers to study this Phenomenon and take advantage of this historical fact if applicable. Remember before investing, do your due-diligence. We only wish the Best for You.
Good Luck and God Bless,
Doc Mike
Stock Market Investors Are the New Breed of Heroes. Thank you for investing in the Philippines