Dear Subscriber,
Last week was a bloodbath. America:s stock sell-off including Europe, Asia, including emerging markets (Philippines) hence no one was spared. Speculation from traders and investors that this sell-off was attributed to Donald Trump`s criticism of the Federal Reserves. Stating that the FED was crazy. This is understandable from a businessman`s perspective, the FED`s movement to increase the interest rate has a negative effect on businesses by making it harder for them to borrow money. For a statesman and president of the world`s most powerful country, statements like this will spook investors globally regardless of good fundamentals. The next day Global markets started returning to current trend ending the global hiccup. This reality demonstrates FED`s grasp on the global market and the mighty dollar is still the king. Evidently, movements from China, Russia and other parts of Europe to disrupt the mighty Dollar and to lessen the power of FED globally is on the works.
Stay focus!
God Bless